Consistent, clear pricing
Our Service4Fleet package can also include direct access to our standardised pricing menu.
Used by Vauxhall Retailers across the UK, menu pricing is designed to deliver consistency in pricing. Retailers are in one of four labour pricing bands, dependent on geography, and all offer the same price for genuine Vauxhall parts. The options you’ll see are specific by model and will include all recommended work.
As a result, menu pricing with Service4Fleet enables you to view the exact cost for the servicing and repair of your Vauxhall fleet and accurately factor maintenance into your costings.
Upfront quotes before you approve the work
Before having any work done, you will be able to see how much the job will cost at a choice of different Retailers across the country, depending on where the vehicle is scheduled to be when the work is planned to take place.
Plus, with our network of Retailers also accessing fleet bookings online, administration is reduced; pricing, invoicing and authorisation errors are eliminated.
Menu pricing offers a consistent, easy-to-manage option for fleets large and small.
One online account
You can further integrate your Service4Fleet account and move to a full central billing account online, dispensing with normal Retailer payment methods involving paper invoices, credit cards and other pre-payment systems.
We have a dedicated Service4Fleet support team who are on hand to support you and our retail network. So if you need anything, from quotes to queries to Retailer location, we can get on to it in no time at all.